Wow, I really need to clean that mirror, huh?
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3 pounds according to the doctor's office last week.
Pregnancy Symptoms: I think I might be in the 2nd trimester honeymoon phase! No morning sickness. I'm just really affected by heat right now. And, that stinks since we're in the middle of a heat wave.
Maternity clothes? Yeah. I'm ready for some cooler weather since I have far more cold weather clothes than I do for the summer. Although, I did just buy this the other day. I got it in blue, though. Cute, huh?
Stretch marks? Still hoping to avoid them.
Sleep: This last week has been tough for sleep. It seems like inside baby is a bit nocturnal. So, if I wake up, it's hard to get back to sleep in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat with the doppler at the doctor's office. ::whew::
Movement: All the time. I'm not sure if this baby ever sleeps. Or if it does, it's a very active sleeper. Which would make baby just like big brother!
Food cravings: Ice cream has been my friend this week. And, I've been having a bit of a love affair with portobello mushrooms as of late.
Gender: Two more weeks until we find out.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: A glass of wine.
What I am looking forward to: The dog days of summer giving way to the cooler days of fall.
Milestones: Heartbeat on the doppler and consistent, daily movement.
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