How far along? 9 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still at one pound
Pregnancy Symptoms: Pregnant brain. It's bad. Very, very bad.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. Definitely can't fit into regular clothes anymore.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Would love it.
Best moment this week: Starting my 3rd month. I'm so relieved and excited since we haven't gotten this far since M came along.
Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: Ice cream
Gender: I still don't have a feeling one way or another. But, the girls at the Early Intervention parent group did the "ring on a string" thing and it came out as girl.
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: A nice cold beer on a super hot day.
What I am looking forward to: Shopping for this baby. I already have some things in mind that I want to get but until we know the gender, I don't think we'll be doing any of that.
Milestones: Nothing new in the way of milestones. Just trying to enjoy every day of this pregnancy. Last night, I realized that I'll be a quarter of the way through this pregnancy next week. It's flying by!
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