Wednesday, September 22, 2010

20 Weeks!

How far along? 20 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Still right around 5 pounds.

Pregnancy Symptoms: I have a bump. =)

Maternity clothes? Yes, please. After going through all of my winter stuff, I realize that I need to go shopping. Three pairs of pants is not going to cut it until February.

Stretch marks? Nope, and I've started using my Palmer's lotion again.

Sleep: I love sleep.

Best moment this week: Having our big ultrasound...IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Movement: All the time. Seriously, she rarely stops.

Food cravings: Dunkin Donuts Cheddar Cheese Bagel Twists. I could seriously eat them every day, all day.

Gender: GIRL, GIRL, GIRL!!!!

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: My little boy! I went through all of his clothes today and I feel like I can't remember when he was so small. It makes me really sad.

What I am looking forward to: Painting the little girl's room. I can't wait to start pulling the room together for her arrival.

Milestones: We're halfway there! Woohoo!!!


  1. CONGRATS on so many levels!!! I'm thrilled that you are having a girl, and being halfway through the cycle means you're halfway there to meeting your newest little bundle!

  2. Wow, 20 weeks!! :) You really look great!
